Importance of Self-Care For Trauma: Know The Recovery Process

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The importance of self-care is not only to beautify yourself but also to help leave a deep impact on mental health. The importance of self-care for trauma, for example. As we know, trauma is a shocking experience and often disrupts daily activities. Therefore, this problem must be treated.

Importance of Self-Care

Trauma Recovers with the Importance of Self-Care

Trauma is an experience that leaves a bad impression without any physical traces. It is part of a mental health disorder that has an impact on a person’s emotions and physical condition. The importance of self-care is very important so that trauma can be controlled and recovered, which means that a person will be free again.

Traumatizing Event

Usually, people who have trauma come from various unpleasant events, such as losing a loved one, accidents, harassment, bullying, sad or scary events, smaller but recurring experiences, and many more.

Those who experience trauma will find it difficult to free themselves from negative memories of the past that continue to bind them. Every individual who experiences trauma will feel prolonged sadness, both fundamental and not. Experiencing unreasonable anxiety, as well as excessive fear.

Trauma can also shape the way a person feels, thinks, and interacts with the social environment and the outside world. In addition, it also greatly affects sleep time and causes physical disorders such as fatigue, headaches, and others.

Even so, this problem can be resolved well if someone knows how important self-care is and is willing to consult a psychiatrist. There are also basic steps for trauma care that can be apply. Here are some practices:

1. Avoid Negative Things, Such as Blaming Yourself

Blaming yourself, being angry, disappointed, and sad about what has happened and befell someone can be detrimental. Therefore, it is better to stop blaming yourself for a long time. Accept what has happened. Although it is quite difficult, this is one way to help recover from trauma problems.

2. Try to Talk About Trauma

A YouTube channel, Epsychiatry, talks about the importance of self-care and says that overcoming trauma can be done by talking about it. Not everyone has the same process for overcoming trauma. When ready to tell a story, don’t hesitate to share the story with someone. This is one aspect and step to express one’s feelings or feelings. In addition, it can also make feelings calmer and more relieved. The added value is that someone can get feedback in the form of responses or even solutions to solve existing trauma problems.

3. Face Events and Conditions That Occur

A person often chooses to avoid something that can trigger trauma in the past. Although understandable, this kind of avoidance that is continuously done can prolong stress and trauma. Start to face it gradually and don’t avoid it anymore.

4. Exercise Regularly

The importance of self-care by exercising is one of the most effective things to overcome the side effects of trauma. In addition, exercise can also reduce stress. A person can go to the gym, jog, walk, cycle, do light stretching, do yoga, and so on. This will also involve relaxation techniques that will reduce physical tension and improve emotional well-being.

5. Self Love

Loving yourself is part of self-care. This can also reduce stress levels and help someone recover from trauma. In addition, this step is very positive because it will increase a person’s value and make them more confident.

Start by doing a favorite thing to help distract anxious thoughts due to trauma. For example, listening to music, watching movies, going out with friends or family, reading books. Also, watching music festivals or theater performances, and engaging in other positive activities can be apply.

Ultimately, healing trauma is one form of the importance of self-care to save someone from tragic events in the past. Allow yourself to heal and grow again through proper care. /amel