Mental self-care for pregnant women is an important aspect to pay attention to during pregnancy. This is because the mental health of pregnant women affects the growth and development of the fetus in the womb.
For information, mental disorders in pregnant women not only affect health during pregnancy, but also affect the phase after giving birth.

Tactics for Maintaining Mental Self-Care for Pregnant Women
During pregnancy, there are major changes to the mother. Not only physically, pregnant women also often experience changes in emotions and mental conditions that affect their health.
Usually, pregnant women who experience mental disorders tend to be careless in taking care of themselves. In fact, this condition can affect the growth and development of the fetus in the womb. Therefore, it is important to maintain mental health during pregnancy, in order to avoid prolonged stress.
Get enough rest
Getting enough rest is a must to maintain the mental health of pregnant women. This is because lack of sleep can cause the body to tire easily, thus increasing the risk of stress.
Usually, pregnant women who lack sleep will experience physical changes in their bodies, causing discomfort. However, this can be overcome by paying attention to the right sleeping position.
For information, the most appropriate sleeping position for pregnant women is on their left side. This position allows pregnant women to get quality sleep patterns. In addition, consider relaxing your body before going to bed by regulating breathing techniques and stretching.
Reporting from the Cleveland Clinic Youtube channel, difficulty sleeping for pregnant women may occur long before the delivery phase. This condition can be overcome by rolling to the side and bending your knees slightly. Don’t forget to put a pillow under your head, not on your neck or shoulders. In addition, use a pillow between your knees and back. Thus, pregnant women can feel a comfortable sleeping position.
Regular Light Exercise
Regular exercise is an important tip in mental self-care for pregnant women. Sports activities can increase endorphins and serotonin hormones that regulate mood.
Routinely doing sports activities can trigger feelings of happiness and minimize stress during pregnancy. It is better to choose a type of sport that is safe for pregnant women such as special gymnastics, swimming, yoga, or walking.
Building Closeness with the Fetus
Building closeness with the fetus is an important effort in maintaining mental health for pregnant women. It is better to interact with the fetus as often as possible, especially when entering the second trimester.
Not only is it good for fetal development, this activity can also build positive energy for pregnant women. In addition, building this closeness can also prevent the occurrence of baby blues syndrome after giving birth.
Mental self-care for pregnant women can affect health conditions during pregnancy. In addition, the mental health of pregnant women also affects the postpartum phase. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to various activities that can keep pregnant women from prolonged stress. /Siti